Thanks to Sam from Auckland for sending in his experience regarding Zippizap balance bikes.
We’ve bought 3 balance bikes, 2 Zippizap brand, and another wooden one. When i heard about the concept I bought the wooden version for my little girl. Having seen how well she took to it, I began buying them for Xmas for all my nephews and nieces once they reached about 2 years of age.
While down at the local skate park riding her wooden model, i recognized how the Zippziap brand bikes were a lot more sturdy and comfy for the children and also they were able to put their feet up while coasting. As a result the balance bikes I’ve ordered my nephews have all been the Zippizap type. Don’t get me wrong, any sort of balance bike for a young learning will be excellent, but I appreciate quality compared to our old heavy wooden thing.
Thank you Zippizap, one of my nephews has since handed down his Zippizap to my 3rd born. Winning!
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